Finally Put an End to Procrastination

how to stop procrastinating

As busy office professionals, it can be difficult to maintain productivity and motivation when overwhelmed with a heavy workload.

Juggling multiple tasks, deadlines, and meetings can make it difficult to stay focused on the task at hand, and it’s easy to become distracted or frustrated when faced with too much work.

To remain productive and motivated in these situations, it’s important to set realistic goals, break up tasks into smaller chunks if possible, use available resources such as support staff or online tools, and ensure that your physical workspace is comfortable and conducive to concentration.

Ready to Finally Stop Procrastinating?

These 6 tips will help you transform your days from tedious and overwhelming to productive and rewarding.

Set SMART Goals:

If you want to conquer procrastination, setting SMART goals is the way forward. These are goals that demand specificity from the outset.

  • Specific: What exactly do you want to achieve?

  • Measurable: Quantify what success looks like.

  • Achievable: Is this reasonable?

  • Relevant: Why am I setting this goal? What larger goal does it tie into?

  • Time-bound: What's my deadline to finish?

Break Down Your Goals into Actionable Tasks

The key for those overwhelmed by ambitious goals is breaking them down into smaller tasks. Breaking down a seemingly monstrous task into bite-sized chunks makes for an achievable plan that's much easier on your mind and motivation.

Spending even ten minutes daily on these tasks will get you closer to your goal before you know it.

Make a Schedule and Stick To It

Discover the times of day when you feel most energized and productive - then use them to your advantage. Create recurring blocks in your schedule for tackling tasks related to hitting goals, including calendar alerts that will help facilitate deep work sessions. Aim for one or two 90-minute distraction-free sessions daily to maximize productivity and finally start making progress.

Eliminate Distractions

When it’s time for deep, focused work, it’s critical that you stay uninterrupted.

  • Silence your phone and put your computer in Do Not Disturb mode.

  • Close all of your social media apps and turn off notifications.

  • Find a quiet and secluded place to work. Hate the silence? Throw on headphones and listen to calming music or white noise.

Organize Your Workspace

It's a simple but often underestimated truth: having an organized workplace can be the first step to achieving maximum productivity. Declutter your desk, avoid distractions like snacks and extra papers, and make sure you have only what you need at hand - whether it’s just your computer or maybe even that cup of coffee! This will stop you from distracting yourself with tidying up when you should be working.

Use The Pomodoro Timer Technique

This method for managing time involves breaking down work into 25-minute intervals, separated by 5-minute breaks. This helps you focus on one specific task at a time and eliminates distractions while providing a mental break from work. The goal is to complete 4 cycles (known as Pomodoros), with a longer break taken between each cycle. This prevents burnout and helps you remain motivated!

With these tips in mind, you'll be able to easily transform your stressful and unproductive working day into one of productivity!

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Lauren is a Document Control Specialist and founder of LGC Academy – an online school devoted to providing top-tier document control courses and document control training. She’s on a mission to help aspiring document controllers learn the skills they need to master their craft so they can become top-performing subject matter experts and perfect their craft without the hassle.


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